Monday, July 2, 2012

Miss America Makes Toilets and Wears Alpaca Sweaters

I am of the belief that Miss America should look exactly as I did a few hours ago. In other words, her shoes should be flecked with wet cement, her makeup should be all over her face, her back should hurt a million times more than it does after those Women's Health Mag workouts, and she should just have finished with helping to build a composting toilet. Ashwin, Patrick, Amanda and I were the first of our group to help Andres (the original founder of Black Sheep--he has done absolutely fantastic work for the Chugchilan community), his workers, and a few members of the PTSA (a compulsory program here, in exchange for the free education) build a composting toilet for the local school. This will save water, money, and help to teach the students about sustainability.

Also, I learned Quechwa today...well, at least a little bit of it. I was just going to keep it in my journal, but when Elena asked for a copy, I decided I would type it up for everyone (with some pronunciation help if I can correctly remember) Son listos?

Quechwa 101
 Quechwa English pronunciation 
 imanallahow are you?  ee-mah-nah-ya
 sumak good sue-mock
 mana alli badmona-ah-yee 
 ima shutikanki what is your name?ee-mah-shoe-tee-kahn-key 
 ñuka shutimikanmy name is...  ñew-kah-shoe-tee-me-Kahn
 alli punchagood morningah-yee-poon-cha 
 alli chishi good afternoon ah-yee-chee-she
 alli tuta good night ah-yee-too-ta
 ñuka kuyaniI love you ñew-kah-kwee-yawn-ee 
  Misi.                 cat                            me-see                                  
 ashcudog awe-shhh-coo 
 llamalamb yama 
 Kuchipig  coo-chee
 atallpachicken  ah-tay-pah
 Kaya kamasee you tomorrow kay-ah-kah-mah 
yanapaway please yah-na-paw-way 
Yupaychani thank you  you-pay-chaw-née
 nima you are welcomeknee-mah
 imapacha kanwhat time is it?  ee-mah-paw-cha-kahn

Those were some of the basics that I got. Juan Manuel, my teacher, is very very kuyla, which is the Quechwa word for "nice." His wife also happened to be selling the most fantastic alpaca sweaters and when I saw there was a green know how it is. Allie is trying to ensure that everyone comes home with an alpaca sweater and after only one week in, I think we have all been converted. And before you say that we all have no fashion sense, I can assure you that we are all Miss (or Mister) America status in alpaca print.

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